Minggu, 03 Juni 2012

Posted by jeremygertiebridget on Juni 03, 2012 in | No comments

Download PDF White House Years

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White House Years

White House Years

White House Years

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White House Years

Product details

Hardcover: 1521 pages

Publisher: Little, Brown and Company; 1st edition (October 1, 1979)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0316496618

ISBN-13: 978-0316496612

Product Dimensions:

9.3 x 2.5 x 6.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.2 out of 5 stars

34 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#386,572 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

During this time period I was a dyed in the wool yellow dog Democrat and Nixon-hater.The con job successfully effected by the Democratic Party and its media allies is fully and relentlessly exposedin this memoir.I was mesmerized by the unfolding narrative of how Nixon vilified as a warmonger by the same Democrats who started and endlessly expanded the commitment of American blood and treasure in Vietnam extricated the countryfrom the morass.I feel retrospectively shamed for my unhesitating acceptance of the Democratic party's U turn on theVietnam issue once out of power.I never thought I would be ashamed of such party stalwarts as Mike Mansfield,Frank Church,Gore etc.This volume is a page turner and will shed much light on subsequent politics in which Republicans are always portrayed as villains whether their names are Reagan,Bush ,or dare I say Trump.

This book, due to length and level of detail, will not be for everyone. But it is a vitally important work for those who want to understand some of the critical foreign policy events in American history. This book deals with Kissinger's tenure as Richard Nixon's National Security Advisor from 1969-1972, and is the first volume of his memoirs. An astounding amount of history is compressed into that time period, including the Nixon opening to China, the intractable problems of the Middle East, with special focus on the triangular diplomacy involving the Soviet Union, Egypt, and the United States, the war in Vietnam, and the exceedingly tortured negotiations to end that war, (with a good look at the Nixon decisions on the excursion into Cambodia, the "Christmas Bombing", and the self described "brutal" treatment of the recalcitrant South Vietnamese as agreement neared), and the Indo-Pakistan war, and the "tilt" towards Pakistan. Any one of those items would be a book in itself, and the fact that Kissinger not only kept all of those balls in the air but manages, through this volume, to show how they were all "connected" is a testament to his brilliance. Dr. Kissinger has many detractors, and Nixon Administration policies, especially with regard to Vietnam, have drawn severe criticism over the years. Kissinger takes those critics on directly, and makes some strong and compelling arguments to justify his policy recommendations. Vietnam was a tragic error for the United States, but Kissinger brings an up close perspective to why many of the important players acted the way they did.Kissinger's devotion to the "realist" school of diplomacy is evident through his actions and policy prescriptions described in this volume. His hard headed and "realistic" approach to bargaining are laid out clearly in his approach to the negotiations with North Vietnam, where he recognized that an unfavorable "balance of forces" on the ground would lead to an unsatisfactory outcome from the perspective of the U.S. His devotion to "equilibrium" govern his negotiations on SALT, and advise his relationship and policy recommendations with the Soviets.For the historian this book is essential. Kissinger dealt with some of the very true giants of this (or any other era), including Chou En-Lai, Indira Ghandi, Le Duc Tho, Leonid Breznhev, Andrei Gromyko, Mao Tse Tung, Moshe Dayan, Anwar Sadat, Golda Meir, and so many others. He seems to me to be exceedingly honest about his relationship with Richard Nixon, who he described as brooding, lonely, and filled with resentment towards so many. He, in my opinion, fairly describes some of the dysfunction of the foreign policy methodology of the first term Nixon Administration, and takes some of the blame onto himself. (The relationship with Secretary of State William Rodgers is a big part of this dysfunction) Kissinger is writing to make sure history records his perspective, but he does so in a way that brings valuable insight to a critical time in U.S. foreign policy, when change and bold steps produced much disruption in this arena. Love them or hate them the Nixon-Kissinger team shook US foreign policy and produced real change that impacts us to this very day. A must read for those who love history or foreign policy.

This is one in a series of books written by Henry Kissinger. The book is quite long, but the information and insights provided make you feel as though you are in the room with Nixon, Mao and Brezhnev. This book covers the white house years from NSA advisor and on through his time as Secretary of State. This is a great read for anyone involved in the Viet Nam war from 1968 - 1973.

I choose five stars because, as any other Kissinger book, this one is also a history lesson. His capacity to evaluate any situation is excelent. I also like the mixed analisys that he does telling us why that particular decision was taken at that given time, making a study of the facts as we know, the facts that the people on that time knew, and the personality of the authorities that took the decision.The writing is perfect and the vocabulary is very rich.

Read and learn!

I started this book on a whim in a coffee shop and soon decided to read all 1,475 pages (which required buying the book!) Kissinger has an amazing story to tell and writes exceptionally well. He gives vivid descriptions of encounters with world leaders and of Washington politics. His reflections range over history, politics, culture in many countries, war, and US policy.He is full of surprises, sharp-edged, hilarious, philosophical, and always authoritative. Professor Kissinger doesn't use fancy words. He is never aloof. His purpose is to make the material understandable. Some passages about negotiations have perhaps more detail than one really wants.The last four years of the Viet Nam war figure prominently in the book. Nixon and Kissinger's insistence on winding down the war slowly over four years is controversial. The whole book is unsentimental, convincing and will appeal to the liberal or conservative reader. It is also a revealing study of the "Cold War", including Nixon's trip to China, the Middle East, the SALT treaty, European relations, war between India and Pakistan, and more.

Great read. Very informative and interesting.

You must be patient to read through such a detailed and complete account of the facts, but you'll learn a lot, and will be amazed with one of the greatest analytical minds ever.

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