Jumat, 12 September 2014

Posted by jeremygertiebridget on September 12, 2014 in | No comments

Free Ebook , by Mark Steyn

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, by Mark Steyn

, by Mark Steyn

, by Mark Steyn

Free Ebook , by Mark Steyn

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, by Mark Steyn

Product details

File Size: 888 KB

Print Length: 322 pages

Publisher: Stockade Books (February 11, 2014)

Publication Date: February 11, 2014

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#36,846 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I was hoping for more from this book than being led through Steyn's problems with a semi-official Canadian agency having the power to harass persons who sound off against Islam. I wasn't disappointed. Present therein are certain of Steyn's essays bearing on his subject. They were new to me and well worth reading. They are in the form of columns written for Maclean's, National Review Online, Western Standard, Irish Times, Steynposts and other media. From the material collected in the reader gets an interesting rundown on what it is like for the Thinking Man to exist in the toils of a thought-controlling state. Steyn triggered the ire of complainants who were offended by his published take on Islam. Those complainants went before the Ontario Human Rights commission with their case. Their complaints were against Steyn and Maclean's Magazine who published the "offending" material -- offensive because allegedly it belittled Islam. The book basically is about all that transpired as a result of said complaint. If you the reader of this review are unfamiliar with what a thin-skinned, quasi-religious entity can legally do when someone offends it in a state that claims to have jurisdiction over such trivia, you absolutely must read Steyn's book. You'll be left speechless.. Your reviewer readily admits that it would please him to see Quranic Islam disappear from the face of the earth. That barbaric, quasi-religious, misogynistic, closed-minded life- system, the tenets of which are to be observed in the current, cruel actions of ISIS, has been a canker on non-Muslim society ever since Muhammad had his first visit from the Angel Gabriel. I'm pretty sure that what I write here would qualify to get me into legal trouble in any one of the so-called human-rights-protective countries of Western Europe. Everyone in the USA should be thankful that we live in a place where we can still say what we think and be Constitutionally protected.

One of the disturbing aspects of todays society is the effort to "shut you up" if you don't agree with the prevailing (in the media) orthodoxy. I assumed (I know, I know) that free speech was accepted in Western Civilization. Wrong!! The United states has the First Amendment guaranteeing us the right to differ, and say so- out loud. That is NOT the case in Canada, England, France, and Australia among others. There you can be fined, and/or jailed for speaking your mind. It's called Hate Speech, so shut up! Mark Steyn was taken to court by the Canadian Islamic Counsel for quotingIslamic scholars about the meaning of their religion. Wait until you read about what the Imams have to say about what they truly believe! Definitely a MUST read.

Mark Steyn is a treasure. His arguments in the areas of free speech and demographic suicide being committed by western governments need to be read and heeded by citizens of all countries who want to retain their freedoms and uniqueness - so that they can then take steps to deal with their pathetic governing classes who have so many once fine countries on the road to ruin.Mark Steyn has been ringing the alarm bell for some time. Are people listening?

I resonate with Mark Steyn's cynical sense of humor so I read his stuff when though it can be a bit depressing. This book covers his trip with Mclean's through the human rights court processes in Canada in the late 2000s. Entertaining as always but kind of chilling to think how the politically correct bureaucratic left can ruin your life, at least in Canada. Islam is here to stay and getting bigger all the time. This book will explain what is happening not only in Maple Leaf country but around the world, and why those of us who are non-Muslims in the West should be very concerned. A good read.

Read this while you still can. The PC Police have taken over in Europe and Canada, making even the opinions of a character in a fiction novel a crime, as an author in Canada recently discovered. In a world where Islamic terrorist actions are labelled "workplace violence", "insanity", and even "anti-Islamic activity", this book will be one of the first thrown onto the fire along with the Constitution. You need only look at the media, education, and politics to realize our ability to discuss censorship has already been censored.

I love how Mark can still inject humour into very serious thought-provoking issues. The high-light of the read was the utter decimation Mark did on the so-called professor. Michael Ignatief was right when he said liberals are herbivores, conservatives are carnivores and that you sometines need carnivors. In these tumultuous times, with an herbivore in the oval office, the world has never been more in need of leaders with a backbone.The left will never get it. They sip their lattes, enjoy their huge public sector wages and bemefits, and think everything can be resolved simply by looking at "root causes", raising taxes or throwing money at a problem.Don't stop writing Mark.

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