Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

Posted by jeremygertiebridget on Maret 27, 2013 in | No comments

Free Download Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

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Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

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Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence


“Original, accessible, and provocative….Tegmark successfully gives clarity to the many faces of AI, creating a highly readable book that complements The Second Machine Age’s economic perspective on the near-term implications of recent accomplishments in AI and the more detailed analysis of how we might get from where we are today to AGI and even the superhuman AI in Superintelligence…. At one point, Tegmark quotes Emerson: ‘Life is a journey, not a destination.’ The same may be said of the book itself. Enjoy the ride, and you will come out the other end with a greater appreciation of where people might take technology and themselves in the years ahead.” —Science“This is a compelling guide to the challenges and choices in our quest for a great future of life, intelligence and consciousness—on Earth and beyond.” —Elon Musk, Founder, CEO and CTO of SpaceX and co-founder and CEO of Tesla Motors“All of us—not only scientists, industrialists and generals—should ask ourselves what can we do now to improve the chances of reaping the benefits of future AI and avoiding the risks. This is the most important conversation of our time, and Tegmark’s thought-provoking book will help you join it.” —Professor Stephen Hawking, Director of Research, Cambridge Centre for Theoretical Cosmology “Tegmark’s new book is a deeply thoughtful guide to the most important conversation of our time, about how to create a benevolent future civilization as we merge our biological thinking with an even greater intelligence of our own creation.” —Ray Kurzweil, Inventor, Author and Futurist, author of The Singularity is Near and How to Create a Mind“Being an eminent physicist and the leader of the Future of Life Institute has given Max Tegmark a unique vantage point from which to give the reader an inside scoop on the most important issue of our time, in a way that is approachable without being dumbed down.” —Jaan Tallinn, co-founder of Skype   “This is an exhilarating book that will change the way we think about AI, intelligence, and the future of humanity.” —Bart Selman, Professor of Computer Science, Cornell University“The unprecedented power unleashed by artificial intelligence means the next decade could be humanity’s best—or worst.  Tegmark has written the most insightful and just plain fun exploration of AI’s implications that I’ve ever read. If you haven’t been exposed to Tegmark’s joyful mind yet, you’re in for a huge treat.” —Professor Erik Brynjolfsson, Director of the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy and co-author of The Second Machine Age“Tegmark seeks to facilitate a much wider conversation about what kind of future we, as a species, would want to create. Though the topics he covers—AI, cosmology, values, even the nature of conscious experience—can be fairly challenging, he presents them in an unintimidating manner that invites the reader to form her own opinions.” —Nick Bostrom, Founder of Oxford’s Future of Humanity Institute, author of Superintelligence"I was riveted by this book. The transformational consequences of AI may soon be upon us­—but will they be utopian or catastrophic? The jury is out, but this enlightening, lively and accessible book by a distinguished scientist helps us to assess the odds." —Professor Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal, cosmology pioneer, author of Our Final Hour "In [Tegmark's] magnificent brain, each fact or idea appears to slip neatly into its appointed place like another little silver globe in an orrery the size of the universe. There are spaces for Kant, Cold War history and Dostoyevsky, for the behaviour of subatomic particles and the neuroscience of consciousness....Tegmark describes the present, near-future and distant possibilities of AI through a series of highly original thought experiments....Tegmark is not personally wedded to any of these ideas. He asks only that his readers make up their own minds. In the meantime, he has forged a remarkable consensus on the need for AI researchers to work on the mind-bogglingly complex task of building digital chains that are strong and durable enough to hold a superintelligent machine to our bidding....This is a rich and visionary book and everyone should read it." —The Times (UK)"Life 3.0 is far from the last word on AI and the future, but it provides a fascinating glimpse of the hard thinking required." —Stuart Russell, Nature  "Lucid and engaging, it has much to offer the general reader. Mr. Tegmark's explanation of how electronic circuitry–or a human brain–could produce something as evanescent and immaterial as thought is both elegant and enlightening. But the idea that machine-based superintelligence could somehow run amok is fiercely resisted by many computer scientists....Yet the notion enjoys more credence today than a few years ago, partly thanks to Mr. Tegmark.” —Wall Street Journal "Tegmark’s book, along with Nick Bostrom’s Superintelligence, stands out among the current books about our possible AI futures....Tegmark explains brilliantly many concepts in fields from computing to cosmology, writes with intellectual modesty and subtlety, does the reader the important service of defining his terms clearly, and rightly pays homage to the creative minds of science-fiction writers who were, of course, addressing these kinds of questions more than half a century ago. It’s often very funny, too." —The Telegraph (UK)“Exhilarating….MIT physicist Tegmark surveys advances in artificial intelligence such as self-driving cars and Jeopardy-winning software, but focuses on the looming prospect of “recursive self-improvement”—AI systems that build smarter versions of themselves at an accelerating pace until their intellects surpass ours. Tegmark’s smart, freewheeling discussion leads to fascinating speculations on AI-based civilizations spanning galaxies and eons….Engrossing.” —Publishers Weekly

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About the Author

MAX TEGMARK is an MIT professor who has authored more than 200 technical papers on topics from cosmology to artificial intelligence. As president of the Future of Life Institute, he worked with Elon Musk to launch the first-ever grants program for AI safety research. He has been featured in dozens of science documentaries. His passion for ideas, adventure, and entrepreneurship is infectious.

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Product details

Hardcover: 384 pages

Publisher: Knopf (August 29, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1101946598

ISBN-13: 978-1101946596

Product Dimensions:

6.7 x 1.3 x 9.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

270 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#36,986 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

The first chapter of Tegmark’s new book is called “Welcome to the most important conversation of our time,” and that’s exactly what this book is. Before diving into the book, a few words about why this conversation is so important and why Tegmark is a central agent helping make it happen and, through the book, the perfect guide.Have you notice how you don’t “solve” CAPTCHAs (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) anymore? That’s because computers now can. Artificial Intelligence, from being a fairly niche area of mostly academic study a decade ago has exploded in the last five years. Much more quickly than many anticipated, machine learning (a subset of AI) systems have defeated the best human Go players, are piloting self-driving cars, usefully if imperfectly translating documents, labeling your photos, understanding your speech, and so on. This has led to huge investment in AI by companies and governments, with every sign that progress will continue. This book is about what happens if and when it does.But why hear about it from Tegmark, an accomplished MIT physicists and cosmologist, rather than (say) an AI researcher? First, Tegmark has over the past few years *become* an AI researcher, with 5 published technical papers in the past two years. But he’s also got a lifetime of experience thinking carefully, rigorously, generally (and entertainingly to boot) about the “big picture” of what is possible, and what is not, over long timescales and cosmic distances (see his last book!) – which most AI researchers do not. Finally, he's played an active and very key role (as you can read about in the book’s epilogue) in actually creating conversation and research about the impacts and safety of AI in the long-term. I don’t think anyone is more comprehensively aware of the full spectrum of important aspects of the issue.So now the book. Chapter 1 lays out why AI is suddenly on everyone’s radar, and very likely to be extremely important over the coming decades, situating present-day as a crucial point within the wider sweep of human and evolutionary history on Earth. Chapter 2 takes the question of “what is intelligence?” and abstracts it from its customary human application, to “what is intelligence *in general*?” How can we define it in a useful way to cover both biological and artificial forms, and how do these tie to a basic understanding of the physical world? This lays the groundwork for the question of what happens as artificial intelligences grow ever more powerful. Chapter 3 addresses this question in the near future: what happens as more and more human jobs can be done by AIs? What about AI weapons replacing human-directed ones? How will be cope when more and more decision are made by AIs what may be flawed or biased? This is a about a lot of important changes occurring *right now* to which society is, for the most part, asleep at the wheel. Chapter 4 gets into what is exciting – and terrifying – about AI: as a designed intelligence, it can in principle *re*design itself to get better and better, potentially on a relatively short timescale. This raises a lot of rich, important, and extremely difficult questions that not that many people have thought through carefully (another in-print example is the excellent book by Bostrom). Chapter 5 discusses where what happens to humans as a species after an “intelligence explosion” takes place. Here Tegmark is making a call to start thinking about where we want to be, as we may end up somewhere sooner than we think, and some of the possibilities are pretty awful. Chapter 6 exhibits Tegmark’s unique talent for tackling the big questions, looking at the *ultimate* limits and promise of intelligent life in the universe, and how stupefyingly high the stakes might be fore getting the next few decades right. It’s both a sobering and an exhilerating prospect. Chapters 7 and 8 then dig into some of the deep and interesting questions about AI: what does it mean for a machine to have “goals”? What are our goals as individuals and a society, and how can we best aim toward them in the long term? Can a machine we design have consciousness? What is the long-term future of consciousness? Is there a danger of relapsing into a universe *without* consciousness if we aren’t careful? Finally, an epilogue describes Tegmark’s own experience – which I’ve had the privilege to personally witness – as a key player in an effort to focus thought and effort on AI and its long-term implications, of which writing this book is a part. (And I should also mention the prologue, which gives an fictional but less *science*fictional depiction of an artificial superintelligence being used by a small group to seize control of human society.The book is written in a very lively and engaging style. The explanations are clear, and Tegmark develops a lot of material at a level that is understandable to a general audience, but rigorous enough to give readers a real understanding of the issues relevant to thinking about the future impact of AI. There are a lot of news ideas in the book, and although it is sometimes written in a breezy and engaging style, that belies a lot of careful thinking about the issues.It’s possible that real, general artificial intelligence (AGI) is 100 or more years away, a problem for the next generation, with large but manageable effects of “narrow” AI to deal with over a span of decades. But it’s also quite possible that it’s going to happen 10, 15, 20, or 30 years from now, in which case society is going to have to make a lot of very wise and very important (literally of cosmic import) decisions very quickly. It’s important to start the conversation now, and there’s no better way.

While one cannot help being taken in by Tegmark's boundless enthusiasm, the book contains essentially no substantial content that I could extract. It may have some value in increasing general awareness about the dangers of AI, as well as providing an optimistic outlook for our technological future; and for those who are utterly unfamiliar with these sorts of ideas, it provides a gentle and entertaining introduction. I might recommend it to children interested in AI, and science/technology more generally, but for serious enthusiasts: don't waste your time, skip right to Bostrom's "Superintelligence" instead.

Max Tegmark, thank you for accomplishing the astounding feat of writing a book that will clearly delight and intrigue your fellow brainiacs, but that is also actually accessible to English majors like myself, intimidated by complex science. What an exhilarating ride!! The importance of understanding AI, the potential impact on humanity, is certainly not limited to physicists, so it is really a service to biological beings to make the subject (mostly) understandable. The topic also so quickly brings up the BIG questions . . . which continue to have no definitive answers but for which you've given us so much food for thought. I also greatly appreciated your playfulness, humility and awe. I have now purchased your book 7 times. First I downloaded the audiobook, but saw I was going to need pictures for this one and downloaded it to my Kindle. Then because with four other couples we have a monthly movie night (like a book club but with movies) and will watch "Her" at our next one, I sent copies to the other participants. This is going to be a loooooong conversation. So long in fact, that if you are reading this, I wonder if you would recommend other movies that intelligently explore this topic?

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Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence PDF

Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence PDF

Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence PDF
Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence PDF

Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Posted by jeremygertiebridget on Maret 09, 2013 in | No comments

PDF Download Scarlet A: The Ethics, Law, and Politics of Ordinary Abortion

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Scarlet A: The Ethics, Law, and Politics of Ordinary Abortion

Scarlet A: The Ethics, Law, and Politics of Ordinary Abortion

Scarlet A: The Ethics, Law, and Politics of Ordinary Abortion

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Scarlet A: The Ethics, Law, and Politics of Ordinary Abortion


"In this brilliant new book, Watson draws on legal proceedings, bioethics literature, and personal experience; offers cultural and literary analysis; and uses her unique vantage point as a lawyer, bioethicist, and medical educator to develop a thought-provoking and thoroughly fresh perspective on one of the most divisive moral issues of our time." --Mara Buchbinder, Hastings Center Report"[E]xcellent ... Watson has a gift for explaining complex arguments in a simple, easy to understand manner. ... Watson's book is an important contribution to the growing literature on abortion stigma and the moral case for abortion, and its accessible language will make it an excellent text for classrooms and book clubs. Watson's writing style is personal and engaging, making the book a pleasure to read. The ideas it contains are complex and subtle, but the writing is direct and honest." -- Anu Kumar, Conscience"As a guide to the various ways of thinking about abortion, "Scarlet A" is readable and respectful - and therefore, in its own quiet way, revolutionary." --New York Times"The book is a thoughtful and engaging consideration of one of this country's most controversial words: abortion." --The Chicago Tribune"In this refreshingly accessible book Katie Watson, invites readers to a conversation about 'ordinary abortion'-that is, the vast majority of abortions that take place in the U.S. With immense intelligence and sensitivity, and considerable wit, Watson offers new ways to think about this complex issue, and, importantly, urges readers to continue this conversation with their neighbors and friends."-- Carole Joffe, University of California, San Francisco "Watson provides an important perspective of abortion that isn't regularly shared -- that of a 'routine' and commonly performed procedure. She deftly explores why women often have this procedure and yet don't speak of it openly. The more perspectives we explore and the more we open our minds to various ways of looking at this topic the more readily we can come to a meaningful understanding. I would encourage anyone -- regardless of their current view of abortion -- to read this book."-- Louise P. King Harvard Center for Bioethics "At last, a new, important, and powerful effort to improve the national abortion debate: in this book, bioethicist and lawyer Katie Watson initiates a rich conversation about the morality of ordinary legal abortion in the context of unwanted pregnancy. This illuminating book builds on the narratives and vocabulary of women's lived experience in deciding about abortion. It will captivate anyone willing to attend to the complexity and ambiguity of such decisions." -- James F. Childress, University Professor Emeritus, University of Virginia"Katie Watson is not afraid to acknowledge the moral complexities of abortion, even as she affirms the legal right to access it. Her writing is lively and clear, but she never underestimates readers' ability to engage in serious moral thinking. Watson will make you think about abortion in new, unforgettable ways." -- Lisa H. Harris, University of Michigan"Scarlet A is written in a clear, engaging, and accessible style. While it was written and marketed with a general audience in mind, bioethics students and scholars alike will find much to appreciate. Watson's interdisciplinary approach makes for an interesting and novel perspective. The emphasis on ordinary abortion is a particularly important innovation for bioethics, which has all too often focused on extraordinary cases. Watson ends the book with a simple charge to her readers: 'Let's keep talking.' I have no doubt that this important book will inspire readers to do just that." --Mara Buchbinder, Hastings Center Report

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About the Author

Katie Watson is an award-winning Associate Professor of Medical Social Sciences, Medical Education, and Obstetrics & Gynecology at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, where she has taught bioethics, medical humanities, and constitutional law to medical students and masters students for fifteen years. Professor Watson is also a lawyer who began her career clerking in the federal judiciary and practicing public interest law, and in 2017-2018 she worked part-time as Senior Counsel to the Women's and Reproductive Rights Project of the ACLU of Illinois. Professor Watson has been a Board member of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, and she is currently on the Board of the National Abortion Federation, and a Bioethics Advisor to and Member of the National Medical Council of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

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Product details

Hardcover: 296 pages

Publisher: Oxford University Press; 1 edition (February 1, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9780190624859

ISBN-13: 978-0190624859

ASIN: 019062485X

Product Dimensions:

8.4 x 1.2 x 5.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 15 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

7 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#396,050 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Well Written, Balanced, and Accessible Discussion of Abortion in the U.S.Charles P. Golbert Scarlet A, by Professor Katie Watson, is a welcome addition to the discussion about abortion ethics and politics in the United States. The book is well researched and insightful yet highly accessible. Most important, the book brings balance to the debate, and urges respect and dialogue between people with differing views about this charged topic. Professor Watson is well-placed to pen this volume. A lawyer by training, Watson teaches bioethics and medical humanities at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and is Senior Counsel for the Reproductive Rights Project at the American Civil Liberties Union. This background serves Watson well, as the book draws on the fields of law, medicine, bioethics, philosophy, and the social sciences. Watson uses stories and case studies to illustrate the issues she explores, which make the issues vital and compelling. Watson observes that most of the rhetoric about abortion focuses on the extreme cases on both sides of the discussion. Proponents emphasize cases of rape and incest, while opponent talk about so-called “late-term” abortions. Yet, the vast majority of abortions in the United States – what Watson refers to as “ordinary abortions” – don’t fall into either extreme.Watson posits that the debate’s focus on the extreme cases helps explain why we are so polarized about abortion. It also helps explain why a procedure that is so common and safe – about a third of women age 45 or older in the United States have had one or more abortions and the risk of dying from an abortion is about the same as from a dental procedure – is also so stigmatized (hence the title of the book). Scarlet A focuses on the overwhelming majority of abortions that do not fall into the extremes, what Watson calls ordinary abortions. Once the discussion centers on ordinary abortions, we might be able to find respect and common ground. At the same time, focusing the discussion on ordinary abortions might lesson the stigma attached to the procedure, allowing women and couples to more freely discuss the topic and their own experiences. The chapters summarizing the religious, philosophical, legal, and ethical arguments for and against abortion are fascinating. These chapters provide the tools for a more balanced yet robust discussion without falling back on discourse based on the more extreme (and rare) examples that too often form the basis of political discourse. Watson also shows how abortion laws, and the language used to discuss abortion, serve to further stigmatize the procedure and erode meaningful dialogue. Watson’s discussion of the beneficiaries of abortion being legal is illuminating. Beneficiaries include not only women who have had the procedure, but all men and women who are able to enjoy sex as part of their relationships and marriages because they do not have to be afraid of contraception failure. Watson ponders how the political discussion surrounding abortion might differ if more men viewed abortion as their issue too. Her examination of the difficulty accessing abortion, a safe legal procedure, is likewise illuminating. The closing sentence of Scarlet A is, “Let’s keep talking.” That is Watson’s goal in writing the book: to encourage respectful, balanced, honest discussion about abortion and reducing its stigma. I hope that Watson succeeds in this important goal, and suspect that she will if the book finds the wide audience it deserves.

A must read for anyone who has been following women's reproductive rights since Roe v Wade passed in the 1970's. Extremely well written, historical information, easy to read for those looking for information and for those nerds like me. Katie Watson has truly given us exactly what this country needs to begin bringing the issue of abortion to where it should be - a discussion about the basic health of 50% of the population of this country.

Abortion is a tough topic to talk about in this country. However, Katie Watson presents a fair discussion in an approachable way. This book is full of facts and details, but still easy to read for non-academics. Days after reading it, I am still thinking about it and processing it. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to know more about the abortion debate.

Arrived on time and as described. Thank you.

There is nothing easy about this topic, and so I “opened” (on my iPad) this book with some trepidation. What I found was an exceptionally balanced book that dives deeply into some of the most logical - and yet never spoken - underpinnings of the arguments for and against this third-rail topic. I expected a scholarly discussion from a bioethicist’s and lawyer’s point of view - what I found (along with all of that) was a thoughtful, rich and moving discussion about the myriad of reasons why this is the scarlett letter for modern women. Nuanced and poignant, this book was so much more than I hoped for. Bravo!

Overall this book is full of great statistics and really challenges the reader on the nuanced abortion issue. Her last chapter where she discusses her own abortion was as terrifying as I expected with her noting how she "dressed up" for the abortion almost as if it was a funeral and did not want to pay with her health card because she did not want other people funding her choice. This personal account was a real eye opener and worth reading the book IMO for this portion alone and also because the thrust of the book asks the question why women don't share their abortion experiences given how common or "ordinary" it is as she puts it. After reading her heartbreaking tale, I understand why more women do not share. It is not that they fear the "pro-life" people or having "the discussion" it is just that the experience is so horrible and there really is no way to justify "the choice" to others that seems worth having the conversation at all. This is the true dilemma and tragedy of abortion - whether one thinks it should be legal or not. To end a life - I just can't imagine.

In Scarlet A, Katie Watson unpacks the complex issue of abortion in the U.S. and adds nuance to a highly-polarized debate. "Ordinary abortions" occur in all classes of women, but political taboo has caused a chilling effect on personal discussions, giving people a skewed perception of the realities of abortion. Many people believe that they don't know someone who would abort. Statistically, they probably do. According to Watson, we will not move forward until we can have real discussions with our family and friends about these personal decisions. I received this as an eARC. All views are my own.

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